Устройство нужно для бекапов в компанию, так что рисковать не хочется. В поддержку написал, если подтвердят совместимость, возьмём такие диски, если нет, придётся раскошелиться.
лучше обратиться непосредственно к производителям.
Добавление от 18.08.2021 14:44:
Hedinлучше обратиться непосредственно к производителям.
Since this hard drive it doesn't appear on our list, unfortunately we can't guarantee that the hard drive will work normally like the second hard drive model you mentioned.
The hard drives in our compatibility list must first be checked by the development team and pass certain tests. If a hard drive is not on the list, it means it is not compatible or has not passed the tests. Even if the hard drives are currently working without any problems, there is no way of knowing what problems or errors may arise, for example poor performance, some functions not working or even data loss.
Unfortunately, we cannot decide for ourselves whether a new hard drive can be added to the compatibility list. Because the decision is in the hands of the developers in Taiwan.
Строго говоря, ответ правильный и ожидаемый. Ладно, возьму WD Gold (WD102KRYZ), он в списке есть. Дороже ощутимо, на 20%, но всё-таки не для дома беру...The hard drives in our compatibility list must first be checked by the development team and pass certain tests. If a hard drive is not on the list, it means it is not compatible or has not passed the tests. Even if the hard drives are currently working without any problems, there is no way of knowing what problems or errors may arise, for example poor performance, some functions not working or even data loss.
Unfortunately, we cannot decide for ourselves whether a new hard drive can be added to the compatibility list. Because the decision is in the hands of the developers in Taiwan.