olafУ меня только B+W и Hoya. Если смотреть под определенным углом - радужный цвет есть на всех.Спасибо всем. Странно, что ж это я в магазине видел?
Кстати, кто-нибудь пробовал Kenko? По виду идентичные с Hoya.
Добавление от 27.10.2009 17:19:
Порылся на сайте Hoya и весь в недоумении. Судя по цитатам:
Create New Value to the Next Era
In the fiscal year ended March 2008, Hoya completed an integration with PENTAX, in which Hoya took over operations in medical equipment including endoscope, digital cameras, and peripheral businesses. In particular Hoya will accelerate the development of the growing medical equipment business. Together with its existing Eye Care and Health Care segments, Hoya will turn it into another business pillar that will exceed the profitability recorded by the Electro-Optics business. Following the PENTAX integration, we are now better placed to offer products and services that meet the needs of sophisticated and diversified markets, combining the technological capabilities and know-how developed by the two companies over many years. The Hoya Group remains committed to creative and innovative efforts at the operating-level to maximize its corporate value.
The Company's business integration with PENTAX in 2008 should result in advances in the opto-electronics technologies PENTAX has cultivated in endoscopes, digital cameras and other precision equipment, as well as deeper synergies with HOYA in the field of optics. The business integration with PENTAX should also result in advances in technological development in the new growth field of endoscopes and other medical devices.
http://www.hoya.co.jp/english/company/company_06.htmlHoya объединилась с PENTAX... Как же тогда понимать сообщения о покупке PENTAX Самсунгом???