Информация об участнике: Sarwar0
Junior Member
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Дата регистрации:18 сентября 2023 12:47 (355,61 дней назад)
Последний визит:18 сентября 2023 12:50 (355,61 дней назад)
Статус:Junior Member (статус Member получит не ранее 23.12.2023, если напишет в конференцию еще 8 сообщений)
Провел времени на конференции:1 минута (в среднем 0 минут в день)
Баланс: сделать перевод участнику
Личная информация
День рождения:06-08-2002
Страна: Республика Индия
Город:New Delhi
Род деятельности:Physiotherapy
Домашняя страница:https://www.drsarwarphysiotherapycenter.com/
О себе:Dr Gholam Sarwar is <a href="https://www.drsarwarphysiotherapycenter.com/">physiotherapist in Dwarka</a> they assesses your condition by looking at your movements, asking questions, and maybe even using some tests. They try to understand what's causing your physical problems.then Once they figure out the issue, they use various techniques to help you get better. This can include exercises, stretches, and even special equipment. like tens, IFT , Laser Therapy etc. The goal is to strengthen your body, reduce pain, and improve your ability to move. Dr Sarwar also teach you how to manage your condition on your own. They might show you exercises to do at home or give you advice on how to avoid future problems. читать дальше